Town offers Slurpee coupons amid youth crime wave

If you think offering a coupon for a free Slurpee is going to fight crime, then think again. Kids behaving badly probably don't care about a frozen drink from 7-11. It's nice to be rewarded for good behavior, but they need to find a way to clamp down on the bad behavior too. Positive reinforcement is great, but Slurpees won't turn everyone around. Need to find a way to reset the bad kids, send them in the right direction where their parents may have failed.  DC News Now reported:

The Takoma Park Police Department has partnered with 7-Eleven to roll out its “Operational Chill” campaign where police officers hand out free Slurpee tickets to children in the area who are caught doing good deeds.

The program was created in the 90s in efforts of having “law enforcement officers create positive connections by awarding a Slurpee drink coupon to kids they observe performing good deeds or exhibiting positive behavior,” the store chain wrote in a statement.

According to 7-Eleven, it has distributed more than 24 million Operation Chill coupons in its program history.

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