Noticed two little feet moving - Couple saves abandoned baby with umbilical cord still attached

You can thank this couple in Texas as they spotted an abandoned baby while out on a walk and thankfully got it to a hospital. The baby is said to be doing OK as of the latest reports. KHOU reported on this staggering incident:

Daniela Fedele decided to take a walk along Casa Martin Drive with her family before it got too hot outside. It's something they do often.

“Went down, you know, the street -- Casa Martin over the little bridge and then we turn left going towards Greenhouse,” Fedele said.

On their way back home, they noticed a towel on the ground. Their 3-year-old daughter was riding her bike towards it, and they quickly realized what was there.

“I noticed two little feet moving and then my husband was right behind me with the dogs, and I yelled to my husband. I'm like, oh my god, a baby, a baby,” said Fedele. “And then my husband like, call 911, call 911 and that's what we did.”

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